
Primary LanguageJava


Manages charging points through geolocation positions


On your command line, run

./mvnw clean package && java -jar target/chargers-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


  1. To create a charging point use
PUT /chargers/{id}
  "zipCode": "12207",
  "latitude": "1.23",
  "longitude": "2.33"

Expected response code is 200 OK.

  1. To fetch a charging point by id, use GET /chargers/{id}

  2. To fetch charging points by zip code, use GET /search/zip-code/{zipCode}

  3. To fetch charging points inside a perimeter, use GET /search/circle/?latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&radiusInKm={radiusInKm}

Architecture and implementation

This application was built using standard Spring Boot framework with embedded mongo database. To make it production-ready, please configure a real mongo database instance. In case of any questions or trouble running the service, please contact me.