Project with:
- An example of modeling corruption data based on political party affiliation.
- Uses pandas, keras and scikit-learn.
- Scraping of political news with people and their positions on sentences highlighted.
- Uses Selenium and HuggingFace.
Breakdown of each notebook:
- Downloads zip files with political affiliation data from TSE using wget.
- Cleans political affiliation data.
- Downloads corruption data from CEAF and cleans it.
- Links affiliated with corrupts with approximate merging.
- Performs feature engineering (including imputation and balancing data) and train-test splitting.
- Compares neural network trained in Keras with Random Forest trained with scikit-learn.
- Neural network obtained AUC of 0.789 on the test dataset.
- Scrapes data from news website related to politics using Selenium, requests and BeautifulSoup.
- Loads a pre-trained NER model from HuggingFace library.
- For each news page, gets people/entities in the text by runnning NER, shows the sentence with each person highlighted.
- Also shows wordcloud of content.