Price Match

Where You Can Find Us



User Story

AS A webpage user

I WANT to be able to search for a products and find the prices between 2 stores.

SO THAT I can compare each products between stores and find the lowest price.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN the user is on the homepage of the Price Match Application

WHEN the user clicks on Pricema AI they open a chat box.

THEN the user searches for a products carried by Target and Best Buy, and then is given 2 prices from each store.


Our project introduces an AI-powered chatbot that searches for the lowest prices on products from Target and Best Buy. The chatbot utilizes AI analysis to compare prices, provide recommendations, and offer valuable insights, enabling users to make informed purchasing decisions. With its conversational interface and advanced features, our chatbot simplifies the process of finding the best deals, saving users time and money.

This guide is intended for the person who will be setting up the Price Match application on a hosting platform or locally. Please follow the instructions below to set up the application.


Before setting up the application, you need to have the following software and accounts:

-Node.js version 12 or later installed on your computer.

-A OpenAI API key. You can obtain a key by following the instructions in the OpenAI API documentation. ( (note OpenAI API is completely free of charge)

-An account with a hosting platform to run the React application live or run locally you want to "npm install" and then "npm run develop"


To install the Price Match application, follow the steps below:

-Clone the application repository from GitHub:

-Navigate to the project directory

-Install the application dependencies: "npm install"

-Start the application: "npm run develop"

-The application should now be running locally at http://localhost:3000


To deploy the Price Match application, follow the instructions below:

-Choose a hosting platform to host the application. We used Heroku.

-Create a new project or application on your hosting platform or locally.

-Follow the instructions provided by your hosting platform to deploy a React application.

-Deploy the application to your hosting platform or locally.

-The application should now be accessible at the URL provided by your hosting platform or http://localhost:3000 .

Built With

React CSS JavaScript Graphql Node.js AI Tools + dependencies and devDependencies in package.json


Harrison Tran-Chung (GitHub: htranchung) Tanvir Khondakar (GitHub: tanvirkhon) Ricardo Cisneros (GitHub: ricardoci) Raymond Stack-Vanasse (GitHub: Bright-Verdant)