Calculadora de média

Grade calculator to find out the average value, being greater than 6 the student will be approved, being lesser failed.

Technologies   |    Learnings   |    Functionalities   |    Improvements   |    Deploy   |    Feedback   |    Author

💁🏻‍♂️ Demonstration

🛠 Technologies


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

📚 Learnings

Variables, manipulation of stored values and computer memory; Variable types such as text and integer; Fixing the number of decimal places with the toFixed() function;

♻️ Functionalities

  • Dark and light themes
  • Preview in real time
  • Accessible
  • Responsive

📈 Improvements

Refactorings, performance and accessibility.

🚀 Deploy

🙂 Feedback

If you have any feedback, please send it to me at

💛 Author

Made with ♥ by Ricardo Junior 👋

Learning is continuous and there will always be a next level.

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