Full stack project developed during the NLW eSports week of Rocketseat
Running | Technologies | Learnings | Functionalities | Improvements | Layout | Feedback | Author
Clone the project
Enter the backend directory
cd server
install the dependencies
npm install
Consolidating concepts with React and TypeScript, knowing TailwindCSS, ReactNative and several libraries used in this project. Advancing to the next level with these learnings.
- Find your duo
- Ad listing
- For games
- Accessible
Refactorings, performance and accessibility.
You can view the layout of the project through THIS LINK. You need an account on Figma to access it.
If you have any feedback, please send it to me at ricardodev10@yahoo.com
Made with ♥ by Ricardo Junior 👋
Learning is continuous and there will always be a next level.