
Project developed during NLW eSports.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Find your duo

Full stack project developed during the NLW eSports week of Rocketseat

Running   |    Technologies   |    Learnings   |    Functionalities   |    Improvements   |    Layout   |    Feedback   |    Author

💁🏻‍♂️ Demonstration

📱 Mobile

▶️ Running locally

Clone the project



Enter the backend directory

    cd server

install the dependencies

    npm install

🛠 Technologies




📚 Learnings

Consolidating concepts with React and TypeScript, knowing TailwindCSS, ReactNative and several libraries used in this project. Advancing to the next level with these learnings.

♻️ Functionalities

  • Find your duo
  • Ad listing
  • For games
  • Accessible

📈 Improvements

Refactorings, performance and accessibility.

🎨 Layout

You can view the layout of the project through THIS LINK. You need an account on Figma to access it.

🙂 Feedback

If you have any feedback, please send it to me at ricardodev10@yahoo.com

💛 Author

Made with ♥ by Ricardo Junior 👋

Learning is continuous and there will always be a next level.

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