
UI Acceptance automated testing example, using Cucumber + Java + Selenium.

Primary LanguageJava


UI Acceptance automated testing example, using Cucumber + Java + Selenium.

Marks and Spencer specialises in the selling of clothing, home products and luxury food products.
The following UI Acceptance test scenario is used to test [Marks & Spencer website] (http://www.marksandspencer.com/):

Feature: As a customer, I wish to view the contents of my bag prior to checkout

  Scenario: Add shirt to bag and view bag
    Given I have added a shirt to my bag
    When I view the contents of my bag
    Then I can see the contents of the bag include a shirt


*Java 7, JDK 1.7
Find it here
After installing it, make sure JAVA_HOME is added to PATH.

It requires JDK 1.7 or above.
Find it here
Make sure to update PATH variable, append Maven bin folder.

Supported architectures

  • Windows

Supported browsers

  • Chrome
    Exceptionally, for the sake of simplicity, chromedriver_win32 version 2.20 binary has been included with source control.

How to use

Using the command-line, navigate to the project's root directory and run:
Default browser dimensions are 1080Wx720H

mvn test

With custom browser dimensions:

mvn test -Dwidth=1440 -Dheight=900
