
Helps setup Liferay for testing purposes.

Primary LanguageShell

The directories bellow are created in the first run of "setup-liferay.sh" script. Here are some explanations about them:

  • bundles: Download Liferay Bundles here
  • licenses: Put your Liferay Dev Licenses here
  • patches: For future use, when we add a new feature to cache the downloaded patches
  • patching-tool: Download the latests patching-tools here, the script will detect the latest version automatically
  • tickets: Is where the script will install Liferay for you

See the script usage by typing:

./setup-liferay.sh --help

 -w, --workspace         Specify the new workspace to work on, eg. smiles-11
 -v, --lrversion         Specify the Liferay Version, eg. 6.2.10
 -p, --patch             Specify a patch to install eg. portal-40-6210 (multiple patches must
                           be separated by commas and inside quotation marks, this option also
                           supports a patchinfo.txt file)
 -d, --downloadpatch     Only download a patch to the specified workspace
 -n, --nopatch           Don't install the latest patch automatically
 -h, --help              Show this message.

Before using setup-liferay.sh, put your Liferay username and password in the default.properties file, then run "./crypt-decrypt enc" to encrypt your password.

It's important to choose another password for the encryption