
API test

We ask that you complete the following challenge to evaluate your development skills. Please use the programming language and framework discussed during your interview to accomplish the following task.


The Game

Develop the classic game of Minesweeper

Show your work

  1. Create a Public repository ( please dont make a pull request, clone the private repository and create a new plublic one on your profile)
  2. Commit each step of your process so we can follow your thought process.

What to build

The following is a list of items (prioritized from most important to least important) we wish to see:

  • Design and implement a documented RESTful API for the game (think of a mobile app for your API)
  • Implement an API client library for the API designed above. Ideally, in a different language, of your preference, to the one used for the API
  • When a cell with no adjacent mines is revealed, all adjacent squares will be revealed (and repeat)
  • Ability to 'flag' a cell with a question mark or red flag
  • Detect when game is over
  • Persistence
  • Time tracking
  • Ability to start a new game and preserve/resume the old ones
  • Ability to select the game parameters: number of rows, columns, and mines
  • Ability to support multiple users/accounts

Deliverables we expect:

  • URL where the game can be accessed and played (use any platform of your preference: heroku.com, aws.amazon.com, etc)

install client

Inside the folder run npm run i and then npm run start You should add the REACT_APP_BE_HOST environment varialbe into a .env file with the backend host

install server

Inside the folder run npm run i and then npm run start:dev (start:prod for production) You have a .env.sample file to create your .env.dev / .env.prod files in order to complete your environment variables for the database and run the web server


Client :React Backend: Node, Express, Mariadb

The project uses jwt token and you should have your tables created in your database for login and register.