
Chrome browser extension for converting working time to decimal

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple extension to convert time from HH:MM into a decimal number. Useful for work timesheets.


Simply enter time on the check-in and check-out fields and click convert.


  • The extension converts time from inputs into a decimal value, displayed on decimal field.
  • Value is persistant, saved on localStorage
  • The clear button should also clear localStorage saved values
  • Calculating with invalid values results in return e
  • A mask on input values tries to prevent invalid entries
  • The version is retrivied from the manifest file


Contributions are highly appreciated. This project has some to-dos:

  • Implement copying result value when clicking
  • Enable a disabled field Duration, that should display the difference between time inputs in HH:MM
  • Any possible optimzation or useful new feature :)