
A Golang implementation of Elgamal algorithm: encryption, decryption and signature generation and verification

Primary LanguageGo


Implementation of Elgamal algorithm in Golang, based on these series of videos (the parameter nomenclature is based on them).

Public and private keys are composed of 3 elements each:

  • Kpub = (p, alfa, B)

  • Kpriv = (p, alfa, b)

These parameters are:

  • p (parameter --p): A random integer

  • alfa (parameter --alfa): A generator of Zp

  • b (parameter --b): A secret integer between 2 and (p-2)

  • B (parameter --B): A public modular exponentiation calculated as B = (alfa^(b))mod(p)


For the encryption process, it is necessary to add --encrypt, the parameters of the public key (--p, --alfa and --B) and the plaintext message (parameter --m). The verbose parameter (--debug) is optional:

go run elgamal.go --encrypt --p=79 --alfa=30 --B=59 --m=44 --debug

image 1


For the decryption process, it is necessary to add --decrypt, the parameters of the private key (--p, --alfa and --b), the encrypted message (parameter --m) and the ephemeral key received with the message (--Ke). The verbose parameter (--debug) is optional:

go run elgamal.go --decrypt --p=79 --alfa=30 --b=61 --m=73 --Ke=13 --debug

image 2


For the signing process, it is necessary to add --sign, the parameters of the private key (--p, --alfa and --b) and the plaintext message (parameter --m). The verbose parameter (--debug) is optional:

go run elgamal.go --sign --p=541 --alfa=128 --b=105 --m=95 --debug

image 3

Signature verification

For the signature verification process, it is necessary to add --verify, the parameters of the public key (--p, --alfa and --B), the plaintext message (parameter --m) and the signature parameters (--r and --s). The verbose parameter (--debug) is optional:

go run elgamal.go --verify --p=541 --alfa=128 --B=239 --m=95 --r=280 --s=65 --debug

image 4


This is a rewrite of this repository which has the same functionality but written in Python.