Framework for SummerHack Event

SummerHack 2021 Global Insurance Design Thinking Ideathon

Cookhouse Labs is a space that fosters and encourages open collaboration and idea generation within the global life and property and casualty insurance industry with the goal of generating successful and proven new business models, products and services. Cookhouse Labs hosts the SummerHack 2021 Ideathon event in partnership with msg and InsurLab Germany.

Our Goal is.... MVP


*Files are here.


*DB are here.

Extra Material

*Some material here.

Achivement of goals

  1. LEVEL OF INNOVATION (20%) Does the concept of your solution offer something new and unique that hasn’t been created before?
  2. BUSINESS VALUE (30%) How significant is the impact of your solution from a business perspective?
  3. METHODOLOGY APPLIED (10%) How much of Cookhouse Labs’ Design Thinking process is seen in your supporting material submitted?
  4. COOLNESS (20%) Does the solution make the end-user feel delighted, excited, empowered, or even relieved to use?
  5. FEASIBILITY (20%) How easily can the solution be implemented?


Science is to understand your way...