
Google Cloud Function that publishes messages to Pub/Sub when the metadata of a GCS object changes and the object's storage class matches given criteria — e.g., == ARCHIVE.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Google Cloud Function that publishes messages to Pub/Sub when the metadata of a GCS object changes and the object's storage class matches given criteria — e.g., == ARCHIVE.

It has been used to notify other systems when GCS objects storage class changes due to lifecycle rules being applied. Please notice that other metadata changes will also trigger the function and publish messages to Pub/Sub if the storage class matches the criteria.

license issues continuous integration

Deployment instructions


gcloud functions deploy notify-storage-class-match \
  --entry-point notify_storage_class_match \
  --runtime python39 \
  --service-account $STORAGE_CLASS_MATCH_NOTIF_SA \
  --trigger-event google.storage.object.metadataUpdate \
  --trigger-resource $TRIGGER_BUCKET

The STORAGE_CLASS_MATCH_NOTIF_SA environment variable refers to the email of the IAM service account associated with the function at runtime. The service account must be granted the pubsub.publisher role on the Pub/Sub Topic identified by projects/${PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID}/topics/${PUBSUB_TOPIC_ID}.

How to contribute

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Report issues

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Contribute code

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