
base Websphere cookbook

Primary LanguageRuby


This cookbook can be used to demo setting up an IBM WebSphere Application Server ND.

This cookbook has been tested with an AWS Marketplace Centos AMI.

To create the instace follow these instructions:

AWS Marketplace search and select - CentOS 6 (x86_64) - with Updates

Select - m3.medium

Network - vpc-93a22ff6
Subnet - subnet-4098fe37
Auto assign public IP = enable
Network Interfaces Primary IP =

Storage size - 16Gb
Delete on termination - true

Tag Name - <your key pair name> <customer> Demo WebSphere Application Server

Security Group - sg-007d7465 - ChefSecurityGroup (plus 28000 and 28001 on TCP)

Key Pair - <your key pair name>

To bootstrap the node, make the node able to talk to the chefserver on it's internal IP and then add the role (or recipe) to the node using the following commands:


ssh -i $env:DEMO_SSH_KEY root@$env:DEMO_IP 'echo " chefserver" >> /etc/hosts'

Either use a role:

knife role from file was.rb

knife bootstrap $env:DEMO_IP -N $env:DEMO_NODE_NAME -x root -i $env:DEMO_SSH_KEY

knife node run_list add $env:DEMO_NODE_NAME '''role[was]'''

Or use a recipe:

knife bootstrap $env:DEMO_IP -N $env:DEMO_NODE_NAME -x root -i $env:DEMO_SSH_KEY -r 'recipe[base-was]'

From the Workstation log into the node and run chef-client:

ssh -i $env:DEMO_SSH_KEY root@$env:DEMO_IP

chef-client --audit-mode enabled

# Get a cup of tea, or two....this takes about 35 mins to complete. 

Test the installation

Log into the WAS Console wasadmin/wasadmin