
Template for deploy Ruby on Rails applications on the shared web servers at Dreamhost

Primary LanguageRuby

Dreamhost Rails App Template for Shared Servers

A Template for deploy Ruby on Rails applications on the shared web servers at Dreamhost, with coffescript, sass, and some spice new stuff that wasn't originally included with the only 3.0.3 rails version that works on dh.


  1. Dreamhost allows to use Rails 3.0.3 strictly on their shared servers.
  2. Your dreamhost username must be ssh enabled
  3. Dreamhost create a public directory automatically, YOU MUST REMOVE this directory via ssh, to let Capistrano do the job. I recommend rm -rf directoryname where directoryname is autocreated by dreamhost after setup a new domain or subdomain on their panel.
  4. You should fill your Capistrano setup (config/deploy.rb) with your info.

How to Use

Even though Dreamhost guys tells you that you can't deploy your rails app with Passenger on shared servers and the only way is with FastCGI, that has known bugs with rails. Thanks to https://github.com/jgeiger, now you have to make some dirty stuff to get your rails app working smooth with Phussion Passenger. Awesome.

The full article is here: http://blog.joeygeiger.com/2010/05/17/i-beat-dreamhost-how-to-really-get-rails-3-bundler-and-dreamhost-working/

But if you are lazy or desperate, you can just do the following:

Add this to your .bashrc:

export PATH=$HOME/.gems/bin:$HOME/opt/bin:$PATH
export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gems
export RUBYLIB="$HOME/opt/lib:$RUBYLIB"

alias gem="nice -n19 ~/opt/bin/gem"

This will setup your shell to use local gems installed in your .gems directory, setup the path to check there first and opt/bin as well. Next we need to install a newer version of rubygems:

mkdir ~/src
mkdir ~/opt
cd src
wget http://production.cf.rubygems.org/rubygems/rubygems-1.3.7.tgz
tar xvfz rubygems-1.3.7.tgz
cd rubygems-1.3.7
ruby setup.rb --prefix=$HOME/opt
cd ~/opt/bin/
ln -s gem1.8 gem
gem install bundler
gem install rake

You can make a clone and apply the template locally:
rails new <appname> -d mysql -m <path/to/dremahostrails.rb>

Or you can create a new rails app aplying the template directly from github:
rails new <appname> -d mysql -m https://raw.github.com/paulsutcliffe/dreamhostrails/master/dreamhostrails.rb


Don't hesitate contact me paul@kosmyka.com