
Pure JavaScript vcdiff decoder that works with binary deltas from Google's open-vcdiff

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status npm version

Pure JavaScript vcdiff decoder. Tested and proven working with vcdiff patch/delta files generated from Google's open-vcdiff and xdelta

const vcdiff = require('@ably/vcdiff-decoder');

let target = vcdiff.decodeSync(deltaBuffer, new Buffer('some dictionary string buffer'));


vcdiff.decodeSync(delta, source)

  • delta Buffer
  • source Buffer

Returns a Buffer object of the target.

delta is the binary encoding of the information needed to transform the source to the target. It is encoded as vcdiff, as specified in RFC 3284

source is the group of bytes to transform into the target. In delta encoding, this probably an old, cached version.

vcdiff.decode(delta, source)

Same as above except returns a Promise that either resolves with the target Buffer or rejects with an error.



To run all tests use

npm test

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Release checklist

  1. Run grunt release:<type> (where type is "major", "minor", "patch", "prepatch")
  2. Run grunt release:deploy
  3. Visit https://github.com/ably-forks/vcdiff-decoder/tags and draft new release for the newly created tag