
Image for wildfly 22 with java 11 and postgres datasource

Primary LanguageShell

Wildfly Docker

That repo is used to run Wildfly server as container on docker. Not available on Docker Hub yet.

Default configutation:

  • Wildfly 22.0.1


To use repository is necessary follow these steps:

Build Image

The command to build a Docker image from the specified Dockerfile in the current directory (.) and tag it with the name wildfly-image. Here's what each part of the command means:

docker build -t wildfly-image .

Have a file in /resources/cli/(install-datasource|install-driver).sample.cli to use as example of implementation.

This command will run in default mode. That mode will not install any driver or set any datasource. Now if you are looking for a solution to use these items, you can go for two options:

  • You can access Wildfly admin console and set manualy all as you want.
  • You can run the command below and that will use /resources/cli/*.enviroment.* as you set your ENV.
docker build --build-arg="ENV=dev|prod|test" -t wildfly-image .

Be Aware: If you are setting some kind of driver, probably you are going to use a jar and that shoud be present in /resources/jars/.

Run Container

To run the created image as container is recommended to use the command below:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 -p 5432:5432 -v ./deployments:/deployments --name wildfly-container -c 2048 -it -d wildfly-image

A brief explanation about that command:

-p: The flag is used to publish (expose) container ports to the host system.

  • 8080 - HTTP Port
  • 9990 - Management Port
  • 5432 - Database Port

-v: The flag is used to create a volume binding between the host and the container. By default is being used deployments folder to deploy any war file needed.

-c: The flag sets the CPU shares for the container. The value 2048 is the same applied on JAVA_OPTS inside of dockerfile.