
MassTransit, .Net5, REDIS, RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageC#

Message Bus

Simple educational solution with Message Bus to invalidate cache between applications.


  • .NET5.0

  • RabbitMQ


  • Docker


docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

That will pull, build/create images and up the inteire environment.


When the API that has Products information received a Post message (indicates that some products information has been changed or add a new one), The message will be posted on RabbitMQ, all consumers will be notified and caches clean. When requested Products information the API start over again going into the Main API.

Product API

On Get return a Fake list of Products.

public IEnumerable<Product> Get()
    var product = new Faker<Product>()
        .RuleFor(o => o.Id, f => Guid.NewGuid())
        .RuleFor(o => o.Name, f => f.Commerce.ProductName())
        .RuleFor(o => o.Stock, f => f.Random.Int(1, 100))
        .RuleFor(o => o.Price, f => f.Random.Double(1, 1000));

    return product.Generate(new Random().Next(1, 1_100));

On Post publish a message to RabbitMQ to inform all consumers that some thing are changed.

public async Task<IActionResult> Post(ProductMessage p)
    // Do Somenthing important.

    await _publishEndpoint.Publish<ProductMessage>(p);
    return Ok();


When receives the message, the programs clear their caches.

public class ProductConsumer : IConsumer<ProductMessage>
    private readonly IStore _store;
    public ProductConsumer(IStore store)
        _store = store;
    public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<ProductMessage> context)
        await _store.ClearProductsCacheAsync();

private static string RecordKey => nameof(Product); //Your specific Key
public async Task ClearProductsCacheAsync()
    await _cache.RemoveAsync(RecordKey);