
Windows Shell Extensions in .NET for Revit files.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Visual Studio 2022 License MIT .NET Framework 4.5 Nuke Build

RevitShell uses SharpShell to enable the creation of Windows Shell Extensions in .NET for Revit files.

How to use

Right-click on Revit files and click in the RevitFileInfo button to open the dialog with the Revit file information. If is a single file and the version of Revit is installed in the machine, the option to open the file appear.


Show Revit File Version Information / Open Revit File in the respect Revit version.

Revit Files Extension

Revit files have the following extensions:

  • Project: .rvt
  • Family: .rfa
  • Project Template: .rte
  • Family Template: .rft





This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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