- 0
Proposing a PR to fix a few small typos
#32 opened by timgates42 - 0
Steady function
#31 opened by capocchi - 0
Dictionary changes size
#18 opened by Abraxas3d - 1
- 7
Make a documentation on ReadTheDoc
#27 opened by Naereen - 0
#30 opened by MatthewScholefield - 1
Choose function throws error
#20 opened by blue-note - 1
Chain.walk(start=0) chooses a random start state
#23 opened by rdbliss - 1
TypeError in Chain.communication_classes()
#22 opened by rdbliss - 1
Error when an item in pykov.Chain is None
#21 opened by dvircohen - 0
Vector class has no documentation
#19 opened by CrazyPython - 4
Set module removed in python 3
#15 opened by CrazyPython - 2
- 1
Probable Typo or outdated doc
#13 opened by eldraco - 4
steady method of pykov.Chain method doesn't work
#10 opened by hmitiche - 1
Couldn't import pykov
#9 opened by hmitiche - 5
Steady() gives incorrect results
#6 opened by ilonajulczuk - 1