
DataSet made available for javascript (and much more)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#jsDataSet .Net DataSet made available for javaScript (and much more)


A DataSet is a collection of DataTables and relations between tables (DataRelation).

A DataRelation is a function that allow to navigate from a row in a table to other rows in same table or other tables matching the value of parent fields in the parent table with child fields in the child table.

A DataTable is a set of DataRow(s), and can have a primary key. Special functions are available in order to manage autoincrement columns, default values to give when a new row is created.

A DataRow is a plain object attached to a ghost-class that observes it. So given a plain object o, calling r = new DataRow(o) creates a DataRow object that can be added to a table. The original object o can be modified at pleasure, and the linked DataRow r has many useful functions like:

  1. del() to mark the row "deleted"

  2. detach () to discard the row losing all change

  3. rejectChanges() to revert any changes made to the original object since the creation or last acceptChanges()

  4. acceptChanges() makes changes to the row permanent

  5. originalRow() return the values of the original row

  6. getParentRows(relName), getParentsInTable(parentTableName), getChildsInTable(childTableName), getChildRows(relName) are useful to navigate from a row to others.

A DataRow has a status that can be added, unchanged, modified, deleted, detached. It is possible to access old/new values of a DataRow when they have been modified, with the function getValue(fieldName, dataRowVersion) where dataRowVersion can be "original", "current"

It's also possible to accept/reject changes on the entire DataTable or DataSet all at once, merging changes of a DataSet into another one (see importData, mergeAsPatch , mergeAsPost, mergeAsPut). A DataSet can also be serialized/deserialized into a plain object (that includes also all original/modified values of all rows). The serialized version can optionally contain also the structure of the DataSet (key, relations, defaults, orderings, autoincrement columns and so on).

It's also possible to delete a row with all relative children (with cascading effect) from a DataSet, with the function cascadeDelete(row).

A full list of available function is available in the auto-generated yui doc.