R package containing functions to apply ANOVA-Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA) on datasets from Dynamic Sensory Analysis, such as Time Intensity (TI), Temporal Dynamic Sensory (TDS), Temporal Check All that Apply (TCATA).

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


The goal of ASCATCATA is to allow to apply a multivariate ASCA (ANOVA-Simultaneous Component Analysis) on Temporal-Check-All-That-Apply data.


You can install the development version of ASCATCATA like so:



The ASCATCATA package offers a main function to apply an ASCA decomposition across a TCATA dataset. The decomposition applied consists in assuming a gaussian distribution after applying an union scale normalization to the interval considered.

## basic example code
data <- tempR::ojtcata
#first step consists in wrangle the dataset to put it in long format
# and to mutate in factors the columns "cons" and "samp", and in numeric the column time
data.long <- data %>% gather(time, CATA, 5:25) %>%
mutate(cons = as.factor(cons), samp = as.factor(samp),
time = as.numeric(str_extract(time, "\\d+")))

# then we apply time resolved ASCA decomposition on the dataset.

ASCA_T1 <- ASCATCATA::tcatasca(CATA ~ cons+samp, data = data.long, timecol = "time", attributes = "attribute")
# The results can be representd using biplots


# There are multiple display options available

ASCATCATA::plot_ASCA(ASCA_T1, density = T, path = F,, path.smooth = F)

# To estimate the variability along time of the attributes we can use the function plot_time_loadings.

#In its standard formulation, this function plots the contribution during time of each attribut organized by factor or organized by individual attribute.


#The same function can also plot the loading values risolved by time for one axes at time

# The function plot_ASCA allows also to apply a hierarchical clustering for the results of the hierarchical clustering and report the results.

ASCATCATA::plot_ASCA(ASCA_T1, h_clus = 2)


Michele Ricci, Ph.D. ricci.michele94@gmail.com