
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Flexibee client

Base and straightforward client for communication with Flexibee API.

Basic usage

use FlexibeeClient\FlexibeeClient;
use FlexibeeClient\Registry;
use DateTime;

// Create new client
$client = new FlexibeeClient($host, $company, $username, $password);

// Every registry can be reached via
$registry = $client->registry(Registry::TYPE_ORDER_IN);
$registry2 = $client->registry('dodavatelska-smlouva');

// Possible calls from https://www.flexibee.eu/api/dokumentace/ref/urls
$result = $registry->callProperties();
$result = $registry->callReports();
$result = $registry->callCount();
$result = $registry->callRelations();
$result = $registry->callRelations(500, 'polozkyDokladu');
$result = $registry->callDetail(500);
$result = $registry->callCreate([
    'kod' => 'myCode12',
    'datVyst' => (new DateTime())->format('c'),
    'typDokl' => 'code:OBP'
$result = $registry->callUpdate(500, [
    'kod' => 'myCode123',
    'datVyst' => (new DateTime())->format('c')

// All properties listed at https://www.flexibee.eu/api/dokumentace/ref/urls can be used via methods
$registry->setDryRun()->setReportLang('sk'); ...

// If you want to remove property you can use

// Everytime you call registry() method via client you get new clean instance of Registry.

Client don't throw exceptions from callXXX() methods. Everytime return Result class. This class can be used like:

$result = $registry->callDetail(500);
if (!$result->isOk()) {
    // some error handling code ...

$orderData = $result->getData()['objednavka-prijata'][0];
$orderData['id']; // Access to data

In base implementation only JSON format is supported. If you need any other format from https://www.flexibee.eu/api/dokumentace/ref/format-types you can implement new Result class and register into ResultFactory. Base JSON Result implementation is in class FlexibeeClient\Result\JsonResult.