
Required Environment variables

  • APP_ENV: dev
  • APP_SECRET: keyboard_cat
  • SYSTEM_EMAIL: // used to create the system user
  • SYSTEM_PASSWORD: keyboard_cat // used to create the system user
  • DOMAIN: composer.local
  • DATABASE_PREFIX: your_system_name_ // used while creating tenant database, the code of the tenant is concatenated at the end


The .env file should be a template/reference of the configurations that your system needs. You MUST create a .env.local to override the configurations on your local machine or .env.$APP_ENV.local for a specific environment.

Useful commands

run php unit test coverage:

vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html=coverage

run behat:



After setting up the DATABASE_URL, use the doctrine generate database to create your database or create it directly on the engine of you choice, then run the migration command.

If you are using docker containers don't forget to enter the container first

    bin/console doctrine:database:create
    bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

2. Setup static analyses

If using container you'll need to enter it. cd to tools/php-cs-fixer and run

composer install

The cd to tools/git/hooks and copy the pre-commit file to the .git folder

cp pre-commit ../../../.git/hooks/

Edit the hook file and change the command accordingly. If using a container you need to change the name of the container


Some tasks are done asynchronously (ex: tenant database creation), and for that to happen we need to have the consumer running so that it can assign the queue messages to their respective handlers.

If you are using docker containers don't forget to enter the container first

    bin/console messenger:consume

If asked, select the async consumer.


To access the API we need a valid JWT. When we login in the API a valid JWT is generated and return.

To generate this token the system needs a public and private key, and to generate that we need to run:

If you are using docker containers don't forget to enter the container first

    bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair

This key is saved on ./config/jwt directory. After the command execution, check if the files are generated correctly


Do we need to implement DDD, CQRS and Hexagonal architecture on a small project like this? Noup, I wanted to use them so that I could implement some theoretical knowledge and have some practice on these matters.