
Cute fetch started as a C program, now more complex and just better

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CatFetch Reborn

Fast fetch program written in bash!

v. 0.5.1

The ascii cat is made by me.


Go and try the new mac os beta! please if you encounter an issue, report that in a github issue


  • Fast. Not as fast as the old cat-fetch, but still really fast
  • Good WM detection. It can still have bugs, but its ultra fast, because it doesn't need to search processes for the WM's in a process list, wich is a very slow method
  • Cute. Cats are cute.
  • Lots of info. There are lots of info that this fetch can display, and we're adding even more! from the current shell to the graphical session to RAM usage. The fetch does not work? you encounter some bugs? Create a github issue and we will fix it!*

*Fixes can take up to a day or more


Catfetch on fedora

Catfetch on fedora

Catfetch on Ubuntu

Catfetch on Ubuntu


To use the program you'll need to know these options:

-m		Adds more info, like the system architecture and graphic session(X11 or WAYLAND) to the output
-d		Adds your dark color palette to the output
-b		Adds your bright color palette to the output
-c		Adds both your dark and bright color palette to the output
-a		Adds all of the above
-h		Shows this help message


Clone the repo and cd into the cloned repo:

git clone https://github.com/rice7th/cat-fetch-reborn
cd cat-fetch-reborn

Now to install it system-wide using make:

sudo make install       # Normal install
sudo make installmacos	# Macos install
sudo make installposix	# Posix-compliant install (WIP)

We advice to always check the project's code before running it, we do not take any responsability if something happens.


To uninstall the program run:

sudo make uninstall


Rice7th Owner

Francicoria Wrote half of the code

SpyLima created the install.sh

Viper suggested using a makefile instead of install.sh

Kazoku perfectioned the wm detection scipt, adding wayland support and making it way shorter

Alberto Salvia Novella created the original Xorg WM detection script


Uses some GNU core utils and xprop to work.

This program is licensed under the GPLv3 license.

If you encounter any issue or want a feature to be added please open an issue on this GitHub page.



  • OS
  • WM
  • Shell
  • Uptime
  • Kernel
  • Arch
  • Graphic Session
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • GPU
  • Terminal
  • Current Time & date (???)
  • Terminal Font
  • DE (separated from WM)
  • GTK Theme
  • GTK Icons
  • Resolution
  • Host
  • Disk Usage
  • Packages (experimental)