gofundme donations

This is for Vipul Naik's Donations List Website: https://github.com/vipulnaik/donations/ https://donations.vipulnaik.com/

Specific issue that prompted the creation of this repo: vipulnaik/donations#113

Instructions for using the scripts

Get the donations data:

# the general syntax is: ./scrape.py GOFUNDME_SLUG > OUT_FILE
./scrape.py "ea-hotel" > ea-hotel-data.csv

If the gofundme page of interest uses a currency other than USD, get currency data:

# the general syntax is: ./get_currency_data.py DONATIONS_CSV_FILE SOURCE_CURRENCY > OUT_FILE
# NOTE: to run this script, you will need a Fixer.io API key stored at apikey.txt
./get_currency_data.py ea-hotel-data.csv "GBP" > ea-hotel-currency-data.json

Run processing script to generate a SQL file:

# the general syntax is: ./proc.py DONATIONS_CSV_FILE CURRENCY_JSON > OUT_FILE
./proc.py ea-hotel-data.csv ea-hotel-currency-data.json > ea-hotel.sql

