
Presentation Media for Nbdl using Nbdl

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nbdl Presentation for CppNow2017

Below is an outline sort of correlating to slides Provide code samples in slides to show purpose

Build the Web App

make image_web_develop && make web_develop

... then in the docker container

root@f2b146e7bad9:/opt/build# make code_snips && make hot_dev

This will run a local http server on port 8080 with the built web app. (It takes about a minute to compile right now)

The bundled html file is in /bundle.html

Thanks for checking it out!

Purpose of Talk

  • Metaprogramming with Boost.Hana (with a focus on Nbdl)
  • Topics
    • Empty Interface
    • Purpose of Nbdl
    • Concepts
    • Abstraction
    • Store
    • Promises
    • Rendering
    • Deployment

Purpose of Nbdl

  • Manage state
  • Communicate changes in state
    • UI Components
    • Server
    • Other Clients
  • Provide implementations for common use cases


  • Producer
    • send_upstream_message
  • Consumer
    • send_downstream_message
  • Store
    • Holds state for immediate access
    • match
    • apply_action
  • Entity
    • Implements reflection on struct members as a sequence
  • BindableSequence
    • bind_sequence
  • BindableMap
    • bind_map
    • Keys must be convertible to char const*
  • BindableVariant
    • bind_variant
    • Allows for serialization of variant types

Boost.Hana's Facilities for Abstraction

  • hana::tag_of
  • Template specialization
    • store_impl<hana::map_tag>
    • store_impl<nbdl::variant_tag>
  • Concept Implementation
    • hana::default_ with nbdl::match_impl
    • nbdl::Store
  • Hana Concepts
    • Foldable
      • unpack_impl<nbdl::entity_tag>
    • Iterable
      • at_impl<nbdl::entity_tag>


  • match
    • key
    • identity
  • match_path


  • run_async
  • detail::promise_join
  • run_sync
  • path_promise


  • Html Dom
    • Components
    • Sample of Immutable TextNode
  • Metaprogrammatically Generate UIViews (hopefully)
  • Generic Document Structure


  • Building with Docker
  • Deploying with Docker


  • ??