
Dicelib is a Go library for rolling dice, tabletop RPG style.

The Roll() function takes a string and returns an Integer.


  • 1d10 -> Rolls one 10-sided die
  • 1d10+4 -> Rolls one 10-sided die and adds 4 to the result
  • 1d10-1d4 -> Rolls one 10-sided die and one 4-sided die and subtracts their results together
  • 4d6h3 -> Rolls four 6-sided dice, keeps the 3 highest results and adds them together
  • 4d6l3 -> Rolls four 6-sided dice, keeps the 3 lowest results and adds them together

All these operators can be combined to create complex rolls: -4d6h3+1d10-8+2d10l1

How to use

Here's a quick example that will take an argument, roll dice and give the output.

package main

import (

func main() {
	dice.Init() //Seed the random library
	command := os.Args[1] //Read command-line argument
	fmt.Println(dice.Roll(command)) // Roll and print result
~/go/src/dicelib go run main.go 1d10