
push_swap est un projet d’algorithme de l’école 42 où nous devons trier une liste donnée de nombres aléatoires avec un ensemble limité d’instructions, en utilisant le nombre minimal d’actions possible.

Primary LanguageC


Push_swap 42 project badge


push_swap is a 42 school algorithm project where we must sort a given list of random numbers with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions.

Getting started

First, clone this repository and cd into it:

$ git clone https://github.com/riceset/push_swap; cd push_swap

As this project uses the libft you will have to clone it on the root of the repository as well:

$ git clone https://github.com/riceset/libft

Compile the executable file with:

$ make


Run the program passing a list of numbers to be sorted:

$ ./push_swap 88 543 17 999 42

The program will print the operations used to sort the list:



Operations allowed to be used:

  • push (sends the top element of a stack to the top of another stack specified)
  • swap (swaps the first 2 elements of a stack)
  • rotate (sends the first element of a stack to the end of the same stack)
  • reverse rotate (sends the last element of a stack to the beginning of the same stack)


In my project, I implemented stacks (an abstract data structure) using a circular doubly linked list. In this model, the sentinel is the node between the first and the last node. Also, each node within the list has a pointer point to the next and the previous node.