Docker Compose Action

This action runs your docker-compose file and clean up before action finished.



Optional The name of the compose file. Default "./docker-compose.yml".


Optional Just perform docker-compose up to one service instead of all of them


Optional Used to specify flags to pass to the docker-compose up. Default is none. Can be used to pass the --build flag, for example, if you want persistent volumes to be deleted as well during cleanup. A full list of flags can be found in the docker-compose up documentation.


Optional Used to specify flags to pass to the docker-compose down command during cleanup. Default is none. Can be used to pass the --volumes flag, for example, if you want persistent volumes to be deleted as well during cleanup. A full list of flags can be found in the docker-compose down documentation.

Example usage

  # need checkout before using compose-action
  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - uses: isbang/compose-action@v1.0.0
      compose-file: "./docker/docker-compose.yml"
      down-flags: "--volumes"