
Snippets of scss for atom the text editor.

Scss Snippets for Atom

apm apm


You can install the settings by pressing ctrl+, opened atom, then you go to install and looking on packages scss-snippets.

Or with the command since your terminal:

apm install scss-snippets


control flow

  • [wh] @while
@while ${1:condition} {
  • [fr] @for
@for ${1:var} from ${2:start} through ${3:end} {
  • [ar] @at-root
@at-root {
  • [db] @debug
@debug ${1:code};
  • [eh] @each
@each ${1:var} in ${2:list} {
  • [wn] @warn
@warn ${1:code};
  • [er] @error
@error ${1:code};

maps functions

  • [mg] map-get
$get: map-get(${1:list}, ${2:value});
  • [mr] map-remove
$remove: map-remove(${1:list}, ${2:value});
  • [mk] map-keys
$keys: map-keys(${1:list}});
  • [mv] map-values
$values: map-values(${1:values});
  • [mm] map-merge
$merge: map-merge(${1:list1}, ${2:list2});
  • [mhk] map-has-key
$has-key: map-has-key(${1:list}, ${2:value});

strings functions

  • [si] str-insert
$insert: str-insert(${1:string}, ${2:substring}, ${3:index});
  • [sx] str-index
$index: str-index(${1:string}, ${2:substring});
  • [sl] str-length
$length: str-length(${1:string});
  • [ss] str-slice
$slice: str-slice(${1:srting}, ${2:start}, ${3:end});
  • [tu] to-upper-case
$upper: to-upper-case(${1:string});
  • [tl] to-lower-case
$lower: to-lower-case(${1:string});

list functions

  • [nth] nth
$nth: nth(${1:list}, ${2:index});
  • [in] index
$index: index(${1:list}, ${2:value});
  • [jo] join
$join: join(${1:list1}, ${2:list2});
  • [ap] append
$append: append(${1:list}, ${2:value});

color functions

  • [dk] darken
$darken: darken(${1:color}, ${2:amount});
  • [lt] lighten
$lighten: lighten(${1:color}, ${2:amount});
  • [st] saturate
$saturate: saturate(${1:color}, ${2:amount});
  • [dt] desaturate
$desaturate: desaturate(${1:color}, ${2:amount});