Wraps a given module with a caching pool. This handles a very specific use case I encountered a lot. Given a particular module, every function call made to it with identical arguments should trigger only one call with all of the calls receiving the same response. Additionally, there should be a maximum number of concurrent requests with differing arguments. This is primarily useful with remote APIs.
{:ok, _} = CachingPool.Supervisor.start_link(module: :hackney, max_concurrency: 2, ttl: 50)
# makes an http request to www.apple.com
CachingPool.call(:hackney, :request, ["http://www.apple.com"])
# retrieves the previously cached result
CachingPool.call(:hackney, :request, ["http://www.apple.com"])
# makes an http request to www.cnn.com
CachingPool.call(:hackney, :request, ["http://www.cnn.com"])
defmodule WrappedAPI do
use CachingPool.Easy, module: :hackney, ttl: 500, max_concurrency: 2
{:ok, _} = WrappedAPI.start_link
# makes an http request to www.apple.com
# makes an http request to www.cnn.com
# retrieves the previously cached result
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding caching_pool
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:caching_pool, "~> 0.1.0"}]
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/caching_pool.