This is a boilerplate framework using Grunt and Assemble. Assemble is a static site generator featuring templates, partials and localization (i18n). Can be customized using Handlebars helpers.
- Assemble (Static Template Engine Generator)
- Sass
- Autoprefixer
- cssmin (Minify CSS)
- concat (Concatenate JS)
- uglify (Minify JS)
- copy
- imagemin (Minify Images)
- svgmin (Minify SVG)
- Express (as production deployment server).
$ grunt server
$ grunt
Deployment setup is already included, just follow the documentation below for how to deploy.
Getting Started with Node.js on Heroku
Assemble allow to do localization and provides the copy in each language YAML file.
Go to Gruntfile.js and edit array variable locales = ['en']
For each language, add a folder with the exact language variable name under src/locales
and inside the directory put exactly data.yml
to repesent the language.
Index.html at root level provides redirect to en
directory by default. Feel free to change/ customize this.