
Frontend component to the China Express Railway System. Created using ReactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

China Express Railway Frontend

Created for my final year Computer Science module "Software Engineering".

Frontend component to the China Express Railway System.

Powered by ReactJS

Associated backend system: Here

Utillizes a number on NPM modules including:

  • Gulp
  • React-Router
  • Bootstrap
  • Browserify
  • Reactify
  • Datejs
  • Jquery
  • Lodash
  • Toastr
  • Validate.js



*Backend server must be running for application to function

*(Make sure nodejs v5.0^ is installed (to get NPM))

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run "npm install"
  3. Run "npm install -g gulp"
  4. Open browser at "http://localhost:9010"