Deploying the things a relying party needs to use to connect to verify on The Government PaaS.
This repo contains a Rakefile which sets up the following tasks (from rake -T
rake clean # Remove downloaded files and build products
rake default # Push all the applications defined in config.yml
rake out/hacks # Create the hacks directory
rake out/hacks/passport-verify-stub-relying-party # Run the untar_passport_verify_stub_relying_party hack
rake out/hacks/passport-verify-stub-relying-party/package/package.json # Run the bodge_node_version hack
rake out/hacks/ # Run the add_custom_msa_config_and_truststore_to_zip hack
rake out/pki # Create the pki directory
rake out/releases # Create the releases directory
rake out/releases/passport-verify-stub-relying-party.tar.gz # Download
rake out/releases/ # Download
rake out/releases/ # Download
rake out/releases/ # Download
rake push # Push all the applications defined in config.yml
This downloads released artifacts produced by the Verify team, generates the
PKI they need to run, and uses cf push
to deploy them to the PaaS.
There are a couple of hacky things that need doing at the moment that hopefully the Verify team will help us address. For example:
- The MSA uses a non-standard java artefact that the java buildpack doesn't understand
- We've hacked our way around this by building our own release
- The MSA doesn't ship with a config file that can be overridden with environment variables
- We copied our own config file in to the zip before deploying
- The passport-verify-stub-relying-party release is a .tar.gz, which cloudfoudry can't handle
- Unzipping it before deploying it fixes this, but it would be nicer as a .zip
- The current release of passport-verify-stub-relying-party only supports node 6.12
- Overriding this in package.json before deploying
- Work with Verify to remove the hacks (in particular those for the MSA)
- Work out an internal use case?
- Deploy through a pipeline of some kind, add blue-green deployments
- Consider using a bespoke service instead of passport-verify-stub-relying-party
- Discuss with Verify's architects if they would allow a connection to production
- Add a route-service to restrict access to the MSA to just Verify's IP range as per Verify's docs