Verify Service Provider

Verify Service Provider is a Service that provides support for the communication between Verify Hub and a Relying Party.

Please refer to the techinical onboarding guide to understand how services can technically integrate with Verify.

NOTE: The Verify Service Provider is currently in a prototyping phase of development. The API and configuration options may change during development.



Release versions of the Verify Service Provider are available upon request from


The easiest way to configure the application is to use environment variables. See Advanced Configuration for more options.

The following Environment Variables can be defined:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

export SERVICE_ENTITY_ID=... # The entity id of the service using Verify Service Provider
export PORT=... # The TCP port where the application will listen for HTTP traffic
export LOG_LEVEL=... # The threshold level for logs to be written (e.g. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR) (default: INFO)
export MSA_ENTITY_ID=... # The SAML Entity Id that identifies the Relying Party's Matching Service Adapter
export MSA_METADATA_URL=... # The URL to the Matching Service Adapter's SAML metadata.
export HUB_METADATA_URL=... # The URL to the Verify Hub's SAML metadata. (default:
export HUB_SSO_LOCATION=... # The URL to send SAML AuthnRequests to the Verify Hub
export SAML_SIGNING_KEY=... # A base64 encoded RSA private key that is used for signing the request to Verify
export SAML_PRIMARY_ENCRYPTION_KEY=... # A primary base64 encoded PKCS8 RSA private key that is used to decrypt encrypted SAML Assertions (see "Generating keys for testing")
export SAML_SECONDARY_ENCRYPTION_KEY=... # (Optional) A secondary base64 encoded PKCS8 RSA private key that is used to decrypt encrypted SAML Assertions that will be used during certificate rotation events (see "Generating keys for testing")

# Run the application with the above variables set

Generating keys for testing

If you have openssl installed you can generate a private key in the correct format with:

openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out "key-name.pass.key" 2048
openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in "key-name.pass.key" -out "key-name.key"
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in "key-name.key" -out "key-name.pk8" -nocrypt

# This command will print a base64 encoded PKCS8 RSA private key to standard out
openssl base64 -in key-name.pk8 -out key-name.pk8.base64

# Strip the newlines from the base64 encoded file and print to standard out
tr -d '\n' < key-name.pk8.base64


# Export your Environment Variables, then start the application with:

The application will write logs to STDOUT.

You can check that the application is running by calling the healthcheck path:

curl localhost:{$PORT}/admin/healthcheck


There are prebuilt clients for the following languages and frameworks:

Language / Framework Client Library
node js / passport.js passport-verify

If you're not using one of these frameworks you can interact with the HTTP API directly. See the swagger documentation for details.

Advanced Configuration

Yaml based configuration provides more fine grained controls over the application. For example, you are able to configure HTTPS endpoints.

See the reference configuration file available at verify-service-provider.yml

Verify Service Provider is a Dropwizard application and thus supports all configuration options provided by Dropwizard:


If you want to make changes to the verify-service-provider itself, fork the repository then:





Build a distribution

./gradlew distZip

The distribution zip can be found at build/distributions.