
A simple router for lit-html

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Voir is a minimalistic routing/rendering system for single page applications. I have observed there are three basic operations that occur during the page lifecycle.

  • initial loading on first visit of a route
  • setting of page state on navigation to a route
  • rendering and rerendering of a current route on interations

This library makes it easy to do this.

class MyPageRoute extends PageRoute {
  constructor() {
  async function onInit(){
    // perform some operation on first load

    // get parameters from route regex match
    const pageId = this.match.groups.postId;
  async function onLoad(){
    // perform some operation when navigated to
  async function onRender(){
    // render from session state and view state

Notice that the route paths are simply regex strings. You can take advantage of ES 2018 regex named groups for more expressive route matches.


We're going to create a simple counter application.

First let's import lit-html and voir as ES modules

import {html, render} from 'https://unpkg.com/lit-html?module';
import {PageRoute} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/richardanaya/voir@latest/voir.js';

Let's start by creating the session state for our app.

var session = { counter: 0 };

Now lets think about its lifecycle a bit

class CounterPageRoute extends PageRoute {
  constructor() {
    // all pages route to counter

  async onRender() {
    // use lit to render to content holder
          ${session.counter}<button @click=${this.onAdd.bind(this)}>+</button>
  function onAdd() {
    // modify state
    session.counter += 1;
    // rerender current page

Finally we register the page routes in the order we'd like them evaluated

  // other routes would go here

See this demo at: https://richardanaya.github.io/voir/demo.html