
Python coverage reporter for Codacy

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Credits to Ryan for creating this! Python coverage reporter for Codacy https://www.codacy.com

Codacy Badge Codacy Badge Build Status PyPI version


Codacy assumes that coverage is previously configured for your project.

To generate the required coverage XML file, calculate coverage for your project as normal, by running:

coverage xml

Install codacy-coverage

You can install the coverage reporter by running:

pip install codacy-coverage

Updating Codacy

To update Codacy, you will need your project API token. You can find the token in Project -> Settings -> Integrations -> Project API.

Then set it in your terminal, replacing %Project_Token% with your own token:

export CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN=%Project_Token%

Next, simply run the Codacy reporter. It will find the current commit and send all details to your project dashboard:

python-codacy-coverage -r coverage.xml

Note: You should keep your API token well protected, as it grants owner permissions to your projects.