
Sample Loadrunner Scripts

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Sample Loadrunner Scripts used by Richard Bishop, Lloyds Banking Group Many of these scripts include snippets of code from the "great and the good" in the performance testing world including, Wilson Mar, Stuart Moncrieff, Scott Moore, Mark Sibley, John Howley, Mark Dowd and Floris Kraak.

I keep them here to act as a repository for my own use and to benefit the wider performance testing community.

Script details

ChangeCase - Case conversion for LoadRunner, converts captured string to UPPER CASE, lower case or Title Case.

ColumnSelector(2) - Two sample scripts showing selection of data from column 1, column 2 etc during iteration 1, iteration 2 etc.

CheckStringInString - Example script showing code which checks for one string of text in another, useful for error handling

DateJS - Demonstrates use of an external JavaScript library / complex date functions

DateTime - A selection of Date/Time functions for LoadRunner - see also Date JS

DNSQuery - Sample script that demonstrates LoadRunner's ability to performance test DNS servers

ExtractStringFromString - Extract a string from another string using delimiters

FloodMaps_TC - Sample TruClient script showing simple parameterisation

FloodWarnings - Sample TruClient script showing conditional random selections. e.g. if 3 flood warnings exist, pick one with 33% probability

FloodWarningsPostcode - Sample TruClient script showing postcode based searches (parameterised). Also optional steps.

JulianDate - Simple function to calculate Julian Date in LoadRunner - contrasts with (relatively) complex DateJS script

LoopExample - Examples of FOR, WHILE and DO loops in LoadRunner

LRSaveFloat - Adds lr_save_float functionality to Loadrunner, allowing rounding to x decimal places

LuhnGenerator - Sample script using Brad Conte's Luhn Credit Card Generator code to generate Luhn-valid CC numbers for testing

PostCodeChecker - Sample script which checks a country code and postal / zip code against http://api.zippopotam.us/ . Saves lat/long and place names in output. Tested with US and UK post codes, many others supported.

PadLeadingValues - Pad a string with leading characters, e.g. pad with leading zeroes e.g. 123 becomes 00000123

QR_Generator - Sample LoadRunner script which calls Google QR code generator and saves resulting QR code as a local image

RandInt - Creates a random number between iMin and iMax, iMax can be greater than 32K Windows limit

RandomAddressGenerator - Reads random UK addresses from http://www.doogal.co.uk/RandomAddresses.php and writes to file

ReadWriteExternalFile - Sample script which writes to and reads from an external file

ReturnCharacterXFromString - Return a single character from a a string

ReverseString - Script which reverses a LoadRunner string e.g. ABCDEF becomes FEDCBA

SaveGravatar - Create MD5 hash of parameterised value (email address), check hash value at gravatar.com. If an image is stored for hash value save it as a local file.

SendMail - Script which demonstrates using BLAT with LoadRunner to send email - used to notify test completion

ShareCalculation - Sample script showing mathematical calculations with strings rather than integers/floating point numbers

SplitString - Allows a string to be split into two, creates left and right strings after x characters

SpliStringIntoPairs - Demonstrates splitting string e.g. ABCDEF into pairs AB CD EF etc.

StringHandling - Convert LoadRunner data types using C, Integers, Strings, Parameters, Floats etc.

TextToSpeech - Sample LoadRunner script calls Google TTS API, converts text to speech, saves MP3 file.

TimeExclusion - Sample script showing how a script can be deliberately paused to prevent execution at a particular time.

UNIXTimeStampCalcs - Sample script showing how to use the SplitString function to break UNIX timestamps into manageable sizes for calculations

UserDefinedDataPoint - Sample script showing how user defined data points can be saved in a script. (Requires char to float/double conversion)

VTS - Folder containing two VTS demo scripts used in a Vivit demo 12/12/2017

WriteToFile - Sample script showing how LoadRunncan write output to an external file.

XSTRCAT - More efficient string concatenation than standard strcat function. Originally from Brian Wilson (Tech South LLC)