
Repository for Scale-recurrent Network for Deep Image Deblurring

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



  • Python2.7
  • Scipy
  • Scikit-image
  • numpy
  • Tensorflow 1.4 with NVIDIA GPU or CPU (cpu testing is very slow)
  • Opencv-python

Example for ubuntu 18.04

wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda2-2019.03-Linux-x86_64.sh
sha256sum Anaconda2-2019.03-Linux-x86_64.sh
printf '\n\n\n\nyes\n\n\n' | bash Anaconda2-2019.03-Linux-x86_64.sh
source ~/.bashrc
conda install scipy
conda install scikit-image
conda install Tensorflow
conda install numpy
conda install opencv-python

Unziping source code to folder SRN-Deblur

Downloading pretrained models

Run download_model.sh inside checkpoints/ by command:

sh download_model.sh


Testing with Video

--video_filepath_input=<INPUT_VIDEO>: path for input video - default='./test.mp4'
--video_filepath_output=.<OUTPUT_VIDEO>: path for output video - default='./result.mp4'
--input_path: path for storing list frames of input video - default='./testing_set'
--output_path: path for storing list frames of output video - default='./testing_res'
You need remove all image of input_path and output_path to store list frames of video before running test with video

If you have a GPU, please include --gpu argument, and add your gpu id to your command. Otherwise, use --gpu=-1 for CPU.

rm -f testing_set/* && rm -f testing_res/* && python run_model.py --gpu=0 --phase=testVideo --model=color --video_filepath_input=./blur.mp4

Testing with image

To test blur images in a folder, just use arguments --input_path=<TEST_FOLDER> and save the outputs to --output_path=<OUTPUT_FOLDER>. For example:

python run_model.py --input_path=./testing_set --output_path=./testing_res

If you have a GPU, please include --gpu argument, and add your gpu id to your command. Otherwise, use --gpu=-1 for CPU.

python run_model.py --gpu=0

To test the model, pre-defined height and width of tensorflow placeholder should be assigned. Our network requires the height and width be multiples of 16. When the gpu memory is enough, the height and width could be assigned to the maximum to accommodate all the images.

Otherwise, the images will be downsampled by the largest scale factor to be fed into the placeholder. And results will be upsampled to the original size.

According to our experience, --height=720 and --width=1280 work well on a Gefore GTX 1050 TI with 4GB memory. For example,

python run_model.py --height=720 --width=1280


We trained our model using the dataset from DeepDeblur_release. Please put the dataset into training_set/. And the provided datalist_gopro.txt can be used to train the model.

Extra data: https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/21475#participate

Hyper parameters such as batch size, learning rate, epoch number can be tuned through command line:

python run_model.py --phase=train --batch=16 --lr=1e-4 --epoch=4000

Continuous Training

Set --incremental_training is 1 to training continuous - default=0
--shuffle=0 to not shuffle - default=1
--datalist=mydatalist_shuffle.txt to use datalist shuffle - default='./datalist_gopro.txt'
--step=5358000 to training continuous from step 5358000 - default=None

python run_model.py --phase=train --batch=16 --lr=1e-4 --epoch=10 --incremental_training=1 --datalist=mydatalist_shuffle.txt --shuffle=0 --step=5358000


We provided 3 models (training settings) for testing:

  1. --model=lstm: This model implements exactly the same structure in our paper. Current released model weights should produce PSNR=30.19, SSIM=0.9334 on GOPRO testing dataset.
  2. --model=gray: According to our further experiments after paper acceptance, we are able to get a slightly better model by tuning parameters, even without LSTM. This model should produce visually sharper and quantitatively better results.
  3. --model=color: Previous models are trained on gray images, and may produce color ringing artifacts. So we train a model directly based on RGB images. This model keeps better color consistency, but the results are less sharp.

All Params

--phase: determine whether train or test or testVideo - default='test'
--datalist: training datalist - default='./datalist_gopro.txt'
--model: model type: [lstm | gray | color] - default='color'
--incremental_training: continue training with saved model or not - default=0
--shuffle: shuffle datalist and save - default=1
--batch_size: training batch size - default=16
--epoch: training epoch number - default=4000
--lr: initial learning rate - default=1e-4
--gpu: use gpu or cpu - default='0' (=-1 for using cpu)
--height: height for the tensorflow placeholder, should be multiples of 16 - default=720
--width: width for the tensorflow placeholder, should be multiple of 16 for 3 scales - default=1280
--input_path: input path for testing images - default='./testing_set'
--output_path: output path for testing images - default='./testing_res'
--video_filepath_input: input path for testing video - default='./test.mp4'
--video_filepath_output: output path for testing video - default='./result.mp4'
--video_filepath_origin: original file path for evaluating output video - default='./origin.mp4'
--origin_path: original file path for evaluating output image - default='./origin_img'
--show_evaluation: show evaluation after testing - default=0
--step: using model with a specific step - default=None


--type: determine whether video or image - default='video'
--gpu: use gpu or cpu - default='0' (=-1 for using cpu)
--input_path_1: input path 1 for comparing images - default='./input_path_1'
--input_path_2: input path 2 for comparing images - default='./input_path_2'
--video_input_1: input path 1 for comparing video - default='./test.mp4'
--video_input_2: input path 2 for comparing video - default='./result.mp4'
--max_val: maximum possible pixel value of the image - default=255.0

python evaluation.py --video_input_1=./blur.mp4 --video_input_2=./origin.mp4 --type=video