
YourScore - The simple way to track your music library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The simple way to track your music library.

About this Project


Track the collection of sheet music scores used by choral and other music arts organizations.

  • The data tracked per score is as follows:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Voices
    • Duration
    • Difficulty
    • Style
    • Publisher
    • Publication Date
    • Number of copies purchased
    • The price per copy
    • Composers
    • Genres
    • Accompaniments
    • Arrangers
    • Lyricists
    • Editors
    • Occasions
  • The application should allow for associating the event(s) where a particular title was performed.
  • The application should allow for tracking the assignment and return of music to the individual performers (members).
  • The application must implement authentication.
  • The application should allow for different role types and limit the data or functions accessible based on those roles.


Login Home Library Performances Add User

The Team

Richard Cyrus

  • Provided the base structure for the application. The idea for this application was based on a project on his list from a non-profit with which he volunteers.

Rojin Pourkhomami

  • Provided the UI design for this project.

Alexis Rogers

  • Along with Rojin, provided the UI design for the project, as well as the application name and logo.

Santiago Sepulveda

  • Took the inspiration of the Music Library list display, and incorporated the filtering capabilities and the detail page for a Score from the table.

Technologies Used

Developer Setup

  1. Clone the Repository and checkout or create the branch to work on.
  2. Copy the env.example file and save it as .env.
  3. Update the SESSION_SECRET value in the .env file. The Session Secret should be a very long random string.
  4. Update the JWT_SECRET value in the .env file. The JSON Web Token Secret should be a very long random string.
  5. Update the SEED_USER_PASSWORD value in the .env file. This will become the password for the initial user created when seeding the database.
  6. Update the MYSQLDB_URL to point to your local copy of the database. The format of the MySQL URL is mysql://user:password@host/database where:
    • user: is the user name to access the database.
    • password: is the password to access the database. If providing the password it is mysql://user:password@...
    • host: the the hostname of IP address of the MySQL database server.
    • database: is the name of the database.
  7. From the shell, in the project folder, enter yarn to install the project dependencies.
  8. At the shell prompt enter ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:create
  9. Once the dependencies have been installed, type yarn start to launch the application.

Preparing to Seed the Development Database

In the development environment, sequelize-cli is configured to store the tracking information in a local JSON file. To see the database after cloning the repository, perform the following steps.

  1. From a shell in the project folder, enter the following commands to put sample information in the database.

    ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed --seed 20190308184118-async-add-sheet-music
    ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed --seed 20190313232716-add-user
    ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed --seed 20190315145803-add-performances
    ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed --seed 20190315145808-add-members
    ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed --seed 20190315145751-add-user-roles
    ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed --seed 20190315164823-associate-music-to-performances
  2. Once all of the seed files have been executed, you should be able to login to the application. The default username is admin, and the password is what you defined in the .env file as the SEED_USER_PASSWORD.