
A javascript power interface

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A javascript power interface


This project implements power analyses in javscript. Eventually, this will also be wrapped in an R package using {V8}.

The underlying philosophy is:

  • To encourage thinking about power curves rather than power values,
  • To encourage thinking about power as a function of the design and test,
  • To encourage interactive power/design thinking, and
  • To build functions that will be useful for deploying design analyses on the web (see https://richarddmorey.github.io/jspower-site/).

See "Power and precision" and "Why you shouldn't say 'this study is underpowered'" for more on the philosophy of power analysis underlying the development.

To this end, the functions will be based around methods of a design/test pairing. A design/test object can be changed and queried to perform a power analysis.

This is in a very early stage of development. Here's how to try it:

  1. Install node.js on your system (if you're running MacOS or Linux you may already have it)
  2. Make a new folder in which to work, and open a new terminal
  3. Install the package:
npm i git+https://github.com/richarddmorey/jspower.git
  1. Start node in that folder
  2. Type the following:
// Grab the constructor for ttest power objects
const ttest2_pwr = require('jspower').ttest2_pwr;
var t = new ttest2_pwr();

The object t is now a design/test object with some default values. To query it, use design_report():


which should output:

  test: { es0: 0, side: 1, alpha: 0.025, criterion: 1.9615076174957067 },
  design: { n1: 770, n2: 770, ntotal: 1540, ratio: 1 },
  curve: {
    point: { es: 0.1999029246788231, power: 0.975 },
    es50: 0.0999514293350958,
    es1mAlpha: 0.1999029246788231,
    typeS: 2.052704117794239e-9
  precision_2alpha: 0.1999029246788231

For a description of all the elements of the design report, see the section below.

Now, we can change the design to see how the sensitivity changes:

t.n1 = 150

The nratio is set to 1 by default, so this will also set n2. Note how the design report changes (t.design_report()):

  test: { es0: 0, side: 1, alpha: 0.025, criterion: 1.96795650649682 },
  design: { n1: 150, n2: 150, ntotal: 300, ratio: 1 },
  curve: {
    point: { es: 0.1999029246788231, power: 0.4073631282731639 },
    es50: 0.2270490751101992,
    es1mAlpha: 0.4541012927113137,
    typeS: 0.00011407515462524834
  precision_2alpha: 0.4541012927113137

The new point on the power curve under curve.point is the one with the same effect size as was set before. The power at that effect size has dropped from .975 to about .41. By default, the new curve.point will have the same power. To fix the power instead (and let the effect size change) set the option fix_es to false:

t.options.fix_es = false

Now changing the design will power fixed and the effect size will change.

Other functions


Finds sample sizes for an array of curve values (given by objects), given the defined test:

t.find_n([{es: 1, power: .9}]);
// Returns [ 22 ]


Finds effect sizes for an array of power values, given the defined test and design:

// Returns [ 0.2563979197369567, 0.3755101746821198 ]


Finds power for an array of effect sizes, given the defined test and design:

// Returns [ 0.40768841290143554, 0.9322751597343004 ]


Yields the density (or cumulative density) of the sampling distribution for either the test statistic (t) or observed effect size (d) for a given true effect size:

t.density([0,.5], 1)
// Returns [ 1.7866245026413097e-16, 0.0003904513212928331 ]


Yields the quantile function of the sampling distribution for either the test statistic (t) or observed effect size (d) for a given true effect size:

t.quantile([.25,.5,.75], .1)
// Returns [ 0.19167561817629775, 0.8667525446561228, 1.5431551328239692 ]

Elements of the design report

Element Description Example for how to change Note
id A name for the object t.id = "Analysis 1"
test Parameters of the (one-sided) test t.test = {}
test.es0 Null effect size t.test = {es0: .2}
test.side Side of alternative (-1: "less", 1: greater) t.test = {side: -1}
test.alpha alpha level for test t.test = {alpha: .05}
test.criterion Criterion on t statistic for significance NA
test.es_type The parameter indexing true effect size NA
test.criterion_on The test statistic NA
design Design parameters NA
design.n1 Sample size for reference group t.n1 = 150
design.n2 Sample size for second group t.n2 = 100 If you change this directly, n2 will be fixed as n1 changes until you change nratio explicitly
design.ratio Sample size ratio n2/n1 t.nratio = 2 If you change this directly, n2 will change as n1 changes, until you change n2 explicitly
curve Values on the power curve t.curve = {es: .5, power: .8} If you change this, the design parameters (sample sizes) will change.
curve.point A given point on the power curve t.es = .5 or t.power = .75 If you change only one of these, the design will not change. Instead, a new point on the same curve will be reported.
curve.es50 The effect size where power is 50% t.es50 = .5 Changing this will change the design parameters (sample sizes).
curve.es1mAlpha The "counternull" where power is 1-alpha. t.es1mAlpha = 1 Changing this will change the design parameters (sample sizes).
curve.typeS The probability of a sign error at level alpha (that is, s "significant" effect going in the wrong direction) given the effect size and design. NA
precision_2alpha The width of the 1-2alpha confidence interval when p=alpha t.precision_2alpha = .8 Changing this will change the design parameters (sample sizes).

Elements of the options object

Element Description Example for how to change Note
fix_es (true/false) Whether to fix the effect size when the design changes t.options.fix_es = false true by default.
fix_n2 (true/false) Whether to fix n2 as n1 changes t.options.fix_n2 = false By default, the ratio of n2/n1 is fixed by nratio, so n2 will change with n1. Setting this option to true will fix n2 instead. Changing n2 explicitly automatically sets this to true; changing nratio explicitly automatically sets this to false.

The other options mostly govern the precision/speed of optimization and should not be changed by users.