
Vagrant project with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, RVM and Ruby 2.0.0 installed for `vagrant` user

Primary LanguageRuby

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, RVM and Ruby 2.0.0 (vagrant)

What's inside

Things done to Ubuntu Precise 64 box:

  • Change apt source to mirror.bit.edu.cn
  • Installed bash, curl, git, patch, bzip2, build-essential, openssl, libreadline6, libreadline6-dev, curl, git-core, zlib1g, zlib1g-dev, libssl-dev, libyaml-dev, libsqlite3-dev, sqlite3, libxml2-dev, libxslt-dev, autoconf, libc6-dev, libgdbm-dev, ncurses-dev, automake, libtool, bison, subversion, pkg-config, libffi-dev, libcurl3-dev, imagemagick, libmagickwand-dev, libpcre3-dev
  • Change Ruby and Gem source to Taobao mirror
  • Installed RVM and Ruby 2.0.0 for user vagrant
  • Installed Bundler

How to use

  1. Install Vagrant
  2. Clone or Download this repository
  3. $ vagrant up

by richarddong 2013-3-23