CPALtools is an R package containing custom functions used by the Child Poverty Action Lab across its work streams.
Install from github with the following command:
r devtools::install_github("childpovertyactionlab/CPALtools")
theme_cpal: ggplot2 base theme for CPAL graphics.
font_cpal: Used to install Poppins font from Google for use with ggplot2.
bar_pos_neg: Reactable function for a positive and negative bar chart.
GeoIntersect: Intersects two sf geometries and computes area and percent of area intersect for estimating population variables.
extract_city: Function used to extract city name from address string column. Not fully accurate and still being developed.
extract_zip: Function used to extract zip code from address string column.
acs_variables: Object containing the name of American Community Survey variables commonly used as metrics in CPAL analysis.
cpal_leaflet: Leaflet map style attribution.
cpal_mapbox: CPAL mapbox style link.
dpd_vgc: List of incident types used to identify Violent Gun Crime at the Dallas Police Department.
ntx_county: List of the eight North Texas counties surrounding Dallas County.
pal_cpalfac: Hex color codes to CPAL standards for factor variables. Includes ten hex codes.
pal_cpaldiv: Hex color codes to CPAL standards for diverging scale graphics.
pal_cpaltri: Hex color codes to CPAL standards for three variables.