Mboalab is an open and collaborative space located in the village of Mefou-Assi, Yaounde, Cameroon. The aim of Mboalab is to catalyse sustainable development and improve people's living conditions through open science. We bring together researchers, scholars, educationists, policy makers and the general public to discuss, conceive and implement projects responding to the health, economic and social needs of the community, such as the coronavirus pandemic. Our approach focuses on the integration of local knowledge by centering the local community especially women.
The aim of Mboalab is to catalyse sustainable local development and improve people’s living conditions through open science.
To this end, the main missions of Mboalab are as follows:
- Provide community and lifelong education for the population, as well as formal education for the younger generations.
- Serve as a platform for exchanges on issues related to local context; mediate between local communities and academia.
- Propose solutions that meet the needs of communities, using local knowledge and open digital technologies.
- Raise public awareness of environmental issues.
- Facilitate access to basic health care.
- You can take a tour of our lab here.
Outreachy MboaLab May-August 2023 Interns - Nikhila K S and Sumaya Ahmed Salihs
- Our initial aim is to create our machine learning model that trains and tests heart sounds.
- After completion of the training part our next goal is to create a tflite format and plugin our model into our Mboathoscope app.
- We will then restructure our app by following the MVC architecture.
- Improve the UI/UX of our app by leveraging animations.
- To find Lung sound data and train our first model to detect Lung anomalies as well.
- Compressed version of app apk
- Below is a gif of the app features