----------------------------------------------------------------------------- oscbank~: for additive synthesis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a plugin (aka 'external') for Miller Pucketter's PureData ("pd"). It was written in order to synthesize sinusoidal models that consist of hundreds of partial sinewave components. The external takes three control-rate parameters for each partial: index(unique), frequency, and amplitude. It stores this information in a bank and synthesizes earch partial by interpolating between frames. Please see the included oscbank~-help.pd for details. installation (from this directory): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux: make pd_linux mac: make pd_darwin windows: make pd_nt mac note: there is also an xcode project included, although it uses the same Makefile as for other platforms author: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richie Eakin < reakinator [at] gmail [dot] com with the kind help of Tom Erbe. history: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-15-2007 - v0.1 - The code has been sitting around for a while with a bunch of bugs, finally got around to fixing them all. So here is the first version.