
TicTacToe with Godot Game Engine v3

Primary LanguageGDScript

Tic Tac Toe with Godot

My first Godot game!

Wikipedia has an article about the Game: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe


My motivation is to learn to use the Godot Game engine after being introduced to it at Fosdem 2017 and Fosdem 2018 (v3).

Notable points

The Board has 4 TextureRect bars to make the 9 slot grid.

A TileButton class which extends Button has a click listener and an internal state.

9 of these TileButtons are added to each of the slot grids. The TileButtons are all added to a Group called Tiles.

Thus the data model of the game is held in the TileButton nodes of the Tiles group. This allows game logic to query the state using the GDScript call:


Global State: the game has some global state like whether it's the human's turn and whether the human is playing X or O. The Tile can query this using the get_node(/root/Board") function.


One of the interesting things about programming the game is how to actually program the winning algorithm. Wikipedia has a (self confessed) broken algo. MinMax is billed to be the smarter choice. Random clearly isn't so great.

I've chosen to add non displaying nodes to the Game that have the following interface function:

func playMove( player, opponent ):

This allows me to call the playMove function in the Bard GDScript on whichever Algo I choose.