
Lightweight utilities for working with spectroscopic data

Primary LanguagePython

speclite package

Powered by Astropy Badge Distribution Status BSD License GitHub Actions CI Status Test Coverage Status Documentation Status


This package provides a set of lightweight utilities for working with spectroscopic data in astronomy.

  • Free software: 3-clause BSD style license.
  • Documentation: latest | stable
  • Based on the Astropy affiliated package template.


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8347108

Please cite as:

David Kirkby, Andy Park, John Moustakas, Stephen Bailey, Benjamin Alan Weaver, Sergey Koposov, Marcelo Alvarez, Hélion du Mas des Bourboux, & Javier Sanchez. (2023). desihub/speclite: 2MASS Filters (v0.17). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8347108


Speclite has the following package requirements:


speclite is free software licensed under a 3-clause BSD-style license. For details see the licenses/LICENSE.rst file.


Please follow these instructions when creating a new tag of speclite.

  1. Update docs/changes.rst: set the date corresponding to the next tag.
  2. Update setup.cfg: in the [metadata] section set the version entry to the next tag (but without v).
  3. Check in the changes; a git push is optional at this point.
  4. Create the tag: git tag -s -m 'Tagging speclite/vX.Y.Z' vX.Y.Z. -s is optional; it adds a cryptographic signature to the tag.
  5. Update docs/changes.rst: add a new entry for a future tag with (unreleased).
  6. Update setup.cfg: set the version entry to the future tag plus .dev.
  7. Check in the changes, then push: git push; git push --tags.
  8. In your git clone, check out the tag: git co vX.Y.Z.
  9. Run python setup.py sdist --format=gztar. This command will change in the future as we move away from using setup.py.
  10. In the dist/ directory, inspect the .tar.gz file. Make sure the version is set properly, that all expected files are present, etc.
  11. In the dist/ directory, run twine upload speclite-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.
  12. In your git clone, clean up and go back to main. You don't want to accidentally edit or commit on a tag.
  13. On GitHub, create a new Release corresponding to the tag. This is important: creating a release will also automatically create a new DOI on Zenodo.
  14. On the main branch, update the README.rst file (this file) with the new DOI.