
Base django application. Create pages and django app website sections in the admin that dynamically appear in your homepage, navbars, sidebar and footer.

Primary LanguagePython

Dynamic Django Base


This base project will save you time updating urls in numerous places. You can maintain site pages and django app information in one place - the admin!

A base starter project - pages and website sections can appear dynamically anywhere you like on your website:

Created in the admin:

  • Flat Pages
    • Create pages such as 'about us'.
    • Dynamically appear in the navbar, sidebar and footer.
  • Website sections
    • Title, text, url and image of any django apps you create - usable anywhere on your website with by loading a template tag (see basehtml app).
    • Dynamically appear on the homepage as a grid and in navbar menu.
    • Dynamically appear under category headings in the sidebar and footer.


Completely adpatable, the base project consists of these :

  • Base HTML
    • Includes template tags for displaying flat pages and website sections - you can load these template tags anywhere in your website design
    • Also, a copyright_message template tag allows you to add optional start year and company name - automatically updates the copyright message in the footer!
  • Flat Pages
    • Template for flat pages - customizable
    • TinyMCE editor for any flat pages you create.
  • Website Sections
    • Any urls you create for any custom apps you build can be added here and displayed anywhere you like.
  • Homepage
    • Allows you to solely focus on building the homepage.
    • Models in homepage can be used to import any models you like from other apps you create.


For these demo images, I created two flat pages and three website sections that appear under two website categories:

Base Sidebar

Base Full width


  • This project is development ready NOT production ready. (See docs for deploying a Django project)
  • All project and app files you will need to get started with this project are included in the 'dynamicdjangobase' directory.
  • NOTE: If you are new to Django, some of these files will be created automatically when you start a Django project. This is normal.
  • NOTE: Other directories will be created such as migrations (when you make changes to models) and pycache (caches python files). Again this is expected.
  • The project directory 'dynamicdjangobase' will be created automatically inside your virtual environment when you run django startapp.


  • Setup a directory where you will place the project.

  • In the Linux or Mac terminal or Windows terminal (Start -> Windows System -> Command Prompt) navigate to the directory.

  • Setup a virtual environment (presuming you have Python installed on your system)...

  • Activate the virtual environment - (dynamicdjangobase) must appear at the start of the line if activated correctly.

LINUX/ MAC: source bin/activate
WINDOWS: Scripts\activate
  • Install django
pip install django
  • Install tinmyce-django - text editor for flat pages
pip install django-tinymce
  • Install pillow for images - Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter.
pip install Pillow
  • Install python-decouple
pip install python-decouple
  • Start django project (you can call it anything you prefer)
django-admin startproject dynamicdjangobase
  • Start all of the apps included in the project - app directories will be created automatically...
django-admin startapp basehtml
django-admin startapp flatpages
django-admin startapp homepage
django-admin startapp websitesections
  • When you have copied over all of the files from this repo to your app directories, migrate the changes to the database - (inserts tables for the models)
  • Make sure you are in the directory 'dynamicdjangobase' with the file 'manage.py' inside...
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
  • Setup a .env file in the same project level directory that contains 'manage.py'
  • Copy the secret key variable directly (without ' ') from the project 'settings.py' file like this...
.env file....

  • Look at how SECRET_KEY and DEBUG are hidden by python-decouple in the 'settings.py' file.
  • You can add any database names and passwords to your .env file in production.

There are other django libraries available for working with Bootstrap... check out the docs for:

  • django-compressor (for Bootstrap)
  • django-libsass (for Bootstrap)