
A python program that takes data from a spreadsheet or csv file and creates a file returning all rows that have invalid dates in a date column.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pandas - Find Excel Date Errors


Often with spreadsheets, you'll have incorrectly filled in date columns - empty strings, strings and integers or invalid dates.

This tool shows how Python and Pandas can be used to take a set of data from excel or a csv file and create a new column saing if the data is valid is True or False.

The scipt then filters the data and creates a new file of all rows with invalid date information.



  • Run this file first.
  • This creates a 2000 row employee data file with names and date started.
  • Numpy is used to generate employee names and random dates into the date started column.
  • It inserts random errors such as wrong data types and empty strings into the date started column.
  • It saves the data file to be used in file 2...


  • It opens the file generated above.
  • Empty strings are converted to 'NaN' values, so an action in this file is to convert all 'NaN' values to a string (Assessing if a string or int is a date type is easier than with 'NaN' types.)
  • It creates a new column called 'Valid Start Date' and asesses all fields from the 'Date Started' column and inserts a boolean into the new 'Valid Start Date' declaring if the date is valid.
  • A new file is created highlighting the row numbers which have dates that need fixing.


Packages and methods

  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • pd.read_csv(), pd.read_excel(), pd.to_csv(), pd.to_excel()
  • pd.dtypes
  • datetime()
  • pd.fillna()
  • np.random.randint()
  • pd.to_datetime()
  • df.apply()


  • filtering data in Pandas
  • creating new columns by filtering data in other columns
  • populating columns with list
  • checking data types in pandas
  • replacing NaN values
  • deleteing rows in pandas