
Python app - stores paragraphs from multiple blog posts in one file.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a command line python script that prompts researchers to enter a topic name, a folder to save the results to and multiple urls for research. The code then creates a file with the topic name in the entered directory. Python code then saves the html from the url in a temp file, then finds each paragraph in the text and saves the paragraph to the topic file.

The process runs as follows.

  1. User enters a topic name and a directory.
  2. A file is created with the topic name in the chosen directory, replacing spaces with underscores eg. my_topic.txt
  3. The user is then prompted to enter as many blog post urls as they like.
  4. All paragraphs from the urls are saved to the topic file.


For python students, here are some of the skills covered in this simple program:

  • Unit testing - (we import researchtool and test the methods in the ResearchTool class.)
  • Objects, attributes and methods
  • Regular Expressions (import re)
  • Requests library (requests.get(), requests.raise_for_status())
  • bs4 library - (finds and displays paragraphs)